Complete CPT Buildout From Flat Design

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To display their prestigious partnerships with other large local and national brands, the client wanted to build out a new section on their website. It needed to be sleek, match existing design, but have a unique design and functionality.


Built out this new section with eye-catching animations and reactive elements, while sticking to existing themes and displaying the desired content.


Take a closer look at the specifics of the different elements and functionality I included in this project.

Custom Scroll Archive Page

To keep the page fresh and unique I built out functionality with JavaScript that allows for the archive section to stay fixed to the window while scolling down the page, updating the background image to match the current post that is being described on the left.

Implementing Slick Slider

The individual posts called for several image sliders, which I used as an opportunity to implement an opensource JQuery slider called “Slick Slider.” After adjusting the functionality and style of the slider to better match the site, I integrated the ACF repeater field holding all the images into the slider using PHP.

Blog Cards on Other Pages

To link to the partnership page across the site I incorporated a blog card section that would link to the individual posts inside the partnership CPT.